vertical analysis formula

This provides a basis for benchmarking against industry standards, which is how vertical analysis works. According to KPMG, companies that benchmark using vertical analysis outperform their peers by 12% in profitability. The gross margin ratio shows the percentage of total sales revenue that is left after costs of goods sold are deducted.

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vertical analysis formula

Multiple year financial statements can be compared and comparative analysis of such statements can be carried out to enhance the effectiveness of vertical analysis. Such analysis provides us with comparable percentages that can be used for comparison of financial statements with the previous years. Vertical analysis looks at financial statements line by line, calculating the percentage each line item represents of a base amount.

Analyzing Vertical Percentages for Various Expense Categories

vertical analysis formula

When you apply vertical analysis to the balance sheet, you can understand the relative composition of assets, liabilities, and equity. Through accounting ratios, you can compare two-line items in your financial statement and point which items are bringing in more profit. By examining the proportional changes in these components, you can evaluate the company’s financial structure, liquidity, and leverage.

vertical analysis formula

Horizontal analysis vs. vertical analysis

Vertical analysis is a method of financial statement analysis in which each line item is shown as a percentage of the base figure. It is most commonly used within a financial statement for a single reporting period. When we carry out vertical analysis on the income statement, it shows the top-line sales figure as 100% and every other item is shown as percentage of the total sales for that year. Each item in the income statement is divided by the company’s total sales for that year (which gives us a common size income statement). For the income statement, the base figure used in vertical analysis is typically total net sales or total revenue. Expressing each income statement line item as a percentage of total revenue shows the relative proportion of revenue that is absorbed by each expense or cost.

Step 3: Calculate the percentage for each line item

This vertical analysis shows that the company’s Cost of Goods Sold is 40% of the total revenue, leaving a gross profit margin of 60%. Operating expenses account for 25% of the total revenue, resulting in an operating income of 35%. After accounting for interest and taxes, the net income is 21% of the total revenue, providing a clear picture of the company’s profitability. Again, the next step is to use these vertical analysis common size statements to make comparisons to similar statements from different periods, businesses or industry averages.

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